How far along? 25 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Initially I had lost 15 lbs, now I'm back up 9 lbs
Maternity clothes? I haven't bought any new ones, but I've finally racked up a good collection.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? I’ve started tossing and turning just this week. Trying to sleep on my left side. But Daniel has 7:45AM classes and I'm sure I'll soon be kicked to the hide-a-bed in the living room.
Best moment this week? Daniel felt his first kick!
Food cravings: Popcorn.
Gender: Boy, boy, boy!!!!
Belly button in or out? In... but barely!
Movement? A lot at night and in the morning. He is on a Chinese sleep schedule.
What I miss? Wine and sushi and roller coasters and not having my every move judged and criticized by others... and honestly.. not talking about babies 24/7...
What I’m looking forward to: Soon I'll be in third trimester. But honestly I'm so impatient that I wish I could skip that and it would be October already. I can't believe it's only the beginning of July. I have sooo much longer to be pregnant.
1 hour ago
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