Signing in, our first post. This is Jennifer. Both Daniel and I will be contributing to this blog, and we'll sign off with our names so you'll know who is who, though you should be able to tell the difference between our writing styles soon enough.
I've been suffering with severe clinical depression lately, and it's taken a toll on my life. Most people tend to be ashamed of such a diagnosis, but I have come to accept it and am trying to work through it. Having a husband like Daniel is a great start.
This blog will probably consist of cooking adventures and recipes (something we both enjoy doing greatly) video game or online comic or music reviews (Daniel's cup of tea) or movie reviews or political rants (conservative - sorry, liberals) or book reviews. A general diary as well.
As I take a photography class next semester and work on it through summer, you'll see an increase in pictures too. Probably just the general musings of students and a little Spanish culture as Daniel and I take a Spanish class together this summer.
In addition, we'll discuss the future - our future - and what God has in store for us. We're both devoted Christians and will talk about Biblical issues and praise God in our posts as well - but not in an argumentative, preachy way. We don't think uppity argumentative Christians do much good for anyone.
Anyway, I hope you learn a lot about us - and maybe enjoy our chronicles of young newlywed students who are head over heels in love with each other.
1 hour ago
I am just trying to figure out how to post to a blog. If this works, it will be firs time I have succeeded. I have a twitter account that people occasionaly ask to follow, but have no idea how to use (or why I need it). Hanging out on your blog may make me more technilogically saavy. - MOM BB
You should add a title to the top of this blog unless you want us to have to search to find out what this blog is about. BB
I added the title! Blogging is fun <3
I'm a philosopher and I like argumentative! But I suppose it isn't helpful to be "uppity" or "preachy" -- unless you're under the anointing!
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